[Ansteorra] Fiber Arts track at King's College

Carolle Ternus clternus at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 24 12:42:53 PDT 2009

Greetings Ansteorra,

I am sponsoring a Fiber Arts track at King's College this June.  So far, 
there's a one hour class on beginning naal-binding and a two hour class on 
brocaded tablet weaving.  I'm planning the last hour of the day to be a 
spin-in, weave-in and fiber swap, so bring your wheel, drop spindle, loom 
and yarns or fibers you wish to trade.

But what about the intervening hours?  I'm asking for class ideas as well as 
instructors for classes.

Some ideas:
beginning and advanced classes on:

kumihimo on a card
kumihimo on a maru dai
finger-looped braiding
tablet weaving
inkle weaving
tapestry weaving
weaving yardage
spinning on a walking wheel or a modern treadle wheel
spinning with a drop or supported spindle
preparing fiber for spinning
dyeing fibers, yarns, and/or yardage
embroidery of all types
calculations/tips & tricks for all of the above

If you'd like to teach a class, please contact me with information at 
clternus at sbcglobal dot net .  Once I have all the information needed, 
I'll pass along the class proposal to Master Cynric, who is coordinating the 

Hope to hear from you fiber arts folks,
Radegund of Tours, OL

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