[Ansteorra] Event Calendar

Galen of Ockham, OP galen at chirurgeon.org
Sat Aug 1 19:17:50 PDT 2009

[hmmm....it was there when I sent it! Take 2....]

Michael Graff scripsit:
> Would you like to get these in icalendar format for PDAs and such?
> --Michael
Yes. Or even better, a pubic accessible Google calendar that can be
synced with personal Google calendars (and thus PDAs, smartphones, etc)

Magister Galenus Ockhamnesis
Friar Galen of Ockham, OP
A Study in Natural Philosophy: http://medievalscience.org
Chirurgeon's Point: http://chirurgeon.org <http://chirurgeon.org/>

Magister Galenus Ockhamnesis
Friar Galen of Ockham, OP
A Study in Natural Philosophy: http://medievalscience.org
Chirurgeon's Point: http://chirurgeon.org <http://chirurgeon.org/>

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