[Ansteorra] Cheap footwear.

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Wed Dec 30 11:51:04 PST 2009

He can choose P and go across the river safely by himself. Or T and he gets
all of the 10 Vikings and himself in the boat leaving Peder and Thorgaard
drunk to fend for themselves while the rest laugh and laugh.

In service,
Caelin on Andrede

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-bounces+rjt=softwareinnovation.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Casey Weed
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 13:08 PM
To: Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc.
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Cheap footwear.

Annes (are there two of her or is she just taking an extra "s" without
asking?  The audacity of the french knows no bounds.) said this about her
granny-purse mocks:

they are not a wet weather shoe at all...I don't wear them where it is
> wet...or sandy
> for that matter for similar reasons. I wear these where the grass is
> the dirt is packed well,  or in the indoor hall type venue.
And then later she added this:

There are folks that a $20 difference is not "4 happy
> meals" but enough gas to get to work that day and back.

If you add these two up you come to the conclusion that a person who wants
to do the things we do unfettered by moisture or sand will either need a
pair of those shoes AND another pair for off-roading or they'll have to ruin
the granny-purses.  Essentially, getting bad shoes means asking someone to
shuck out more cash, either now or very soon.

By the bye, I don't buy the "I'm too poor to afford nice shoes because I'm
in school/have 6 kids/have to pay rent/need gas/must
eat/homeless/penniless/hungry" nonsense.  Sell one of those kids to pirates
(our lazy Dons can't seem to keep the coast clear of em- we might as well
have some benefits).  Or better yet, put all six to work... making shoes.
Even the little ones can be taught to handle a strap cutter.  That's how we
did it in Holland, by God.  Students can skip a few beers. And it is still 4
Happy Meals... doesn't matter if you're rich or poor.  Maybe you eat them
over a week; maybe over a month... still comes out to four and it's still
worth it to skip the cool toy and get shoes that fit, are durable, and look
good.  To borrow and retool your retort: "Who wants to be miserable on their
time off?"

On an unrelated note, since I've left dear old Amsterdam I've come to enjoy
these viking types we have in Ansteorra.  They like two of the same things I
like: beer and riddles (word problems, we dutch call them).  Here's one from
last years V.E.D. (Ivar still hasn't passed... he sees all those little
bubbles and thinks he's drowning).

Thorgaard has a boat (T), Ivar has a boat (V), and Peder Slackjaw has a boat
(P) and they all live in Ansteorra and use their boats to carry 10 other
vikings at sca events (when the dons are actually doing their job and no
pirates are around).

T looks more betterer than V.
T holds 12 vikings.
V looks betterer than P.
V holds 7 vikings and leaks.
P is a metallic pink bass tracker with an old KMart whoopee light on the
engine and a broken horn that plays Rick Astley every time you get in it.
It also smells like strong french cheese.
P holds 13 vikings but no viking will ride in it.

Ivar, Thorgaard, and Peder Slackjaw lose their boats to Hanse while playing
dice but since Hanse is so nice he's willing to sell the boats back.  Ivar
sobers up first; which boat should he buy if he wants to get all the vikings
back across the river before they kill him with axes because they're so

Can't wait for the answers...

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