[Ansteorra] Cheap footwear.

Eric W. Brown Brown.EricW at jobcorps.org
Tue Dec 29 13:06:34 PST 2009

If you're reduced by time, money or other factors to contemplating
Wearing black sneakers... Here are a few suggestions.

1. Walmart has Birkenstock Clog knockoffs that are VPL footwear (Vaguely Period Looking)
Cost is about $10 to $20... I paid $6 for mine on clearance. Some of the Sandals are VPL too..

2. Walmart has those "moccasin" shoes that look like someone glued leather to the top of a sneaker and replaced the laces with elastic... these are less VPL but still better than sneakers.

3. Stitch or glue thin leather over a pair of sneakers. I've done this, it's a pain, but it's
Possible to get something about as good looking as #2. (by which I mean ugly, but better than sneakers)

4. Goto Goodwill etc, pick up a pair of cheap penny loafers. Google "how to make latchet shoes" there used to be a article on how to make the conversion, by a Mayflower reenactor
(can't google it from work, sorry, I'll try to post a link later)

5. Goto the Asian Store at the mall... they will have cloth slipper shoes with plastic soles for next to nothing... they are uncomfortable, and really only good for indoor events, but again.. better than sneakers.

7. One word. Minnitonka... okay two words, Scissors.. cut off the fringe... cheap moccasin boots you can get at many country and western stores.

6. If you're more lazy than poor, and have small lady feet (I don't'), Overstock.com has the "Birkenstock London" (Google it) for about $65. Half what they cost retail. These are not terrible, best of the options here. unlike the Birkenstock clogs these have leather at the back.

Anyone else have good cheap Footwear ideas?
Here is your chance to single handedly improve the bottom 4" of the SCA!


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