[Ansteorra] Dark Star Tavern

Barbara d alysd38 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 27 11:48:16 PST 2009

Si j'ai voulu etre "dans le personnage" je devrais parler le francais et pas cette sorte de francais, mais une plus premiere version. Ne le pas rendre mes postes interessants!

And that is my two cents on the subject....LOL


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Rudin <rudin at ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 10:33 AM
To: Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Dark Star Tavern

Lady Gabriele wrote:

> I have just now done that.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DarkStarTavern
> Come, sit, talk, enjoy a drink, meet new friends

Oh, thank you very much.

I have no inherent problem with people having an e-list which is like a 
tavern or inn.  But why take away one that already has a purpose which it 
fulfills well, and try to change it?  Your Dark Star Tavern allows the kind 
of list you want without taking away an important communication source. 
More importantly for your purposes, you'll have all the people who accept 
your tavern idea, and none of the people who don't.

Rest assured -- there will be people who don't want to take part in a 
tavern -- people who are trying to communicate with the rest of the kingdom 
to get important business done, not just to play a game.  I don't want 
persona games played here for the same reason I don't want them in the 
middle of a financial committee meeting.

We fight in a specially designated place set off with ropes.  If you go 
inside those ropes, you have to accept the rules and goals of SCA fighting. 
Anybody who doesn't want to be hit with a stick can stay outside the ropes, 
and nobody will hit them with a stick.

Similarly, the tavern idea should develop in a special place just for those 
who want to take part.  Everyone who doesn't want to play tavern when 
reading email at work or school can avoid it.  The Ansteorra list is *not* 
a place, and will never be a place, where everyone accepts your tavern 

Many years ago, one of our knights decided that his persona couldn't write, 
and that a priest had taught him to sign his name  -- in Latin.  So he 
wrote "Hrothgarius Farliensis" on his card at the listfield, and complained 
when he wasn't called to the field as "Hrothgar of Farley".  It was a cute 
persona game, but it shouldn't have been played at a time when it would get 
in the way of our straightforward communication.

Last month our lists gave us the very sad news of a death in our family --  
Don Christoforo.  I don't want that message, or any other like it, turned 
into a pseudo-persona game, in which I wouldn't be sure if it was a real 
announcement or a setup for somebody's event.

I have occasionally dropped reading Ansteorra list when the 
chatter-to-communication ratio got too high.  If the tavern idea had stayed 
on this list, and worked as well as people want it to, I'd drop it 
entirely, and try to get the web-minister to set up an Ansteorra list for 

The point is this: a straightforward communication list is clearly needed. 
And this is it.  You have an idea for something new.  OK, that's great. 
New ideas make Ansteorra grow.  Try it -- but try it in its own venue, not 
in a different one set up for a different purpose.  When fencing got 
started, Tivar set up special tourneys for it; he didn't try to do it in 
the rattan list.  Similarly, you have set up a special place for your new 
idea.  Fantastic.  I hope the people interested inthat game make it a fun, 
exciting thing to do.

Please understand -- I am not speaking against persona.  I am, after all, a 
Lion.  But I don't want a persona game in the way of communication.  And in 
any case, I'm not in persona when dressed in modern work clothes typing at 
a computer.  The last few posts I've written here have been about legal 
liability and corporate responsibilties.  That can't be done in Robin's 
persona, because it cannot be set in Elizabethan England.  This list is not 
at an event -- it's in the modern world.  There's a reason I always sign my 
real name on these posts.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin

P.S. As a side note, does anybody actually want an authentic tavern 
atmosphere?  Mistress Serena points outs that step one is for all 
respectable ladies (from most period times and places) to leave.  If you 
don't want that, then you aren't talking about being in an authentic 
tavern-going persona.  But don't let that stop you.  Have fun playing the 
game you want to play.

RoG / JR

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