[Ansteorra] Lysts at Castleton video

Sir Giotto di Giovanni sirgiotto at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 16:35:21 PST 2009

Well, this one kind of snuck out the side door on me. :)

I had posted the video on YouTube for Sir Alexis and this year's Lysts
crew to use for advertising.  Like most good things, it took on a life
of it's own.

For clarification, I am not the author, creator or even the editor of
the video.  It was filmed and put together at my request by the Lysts
at Castleton Film Crew for the purpose of promoting that wondrous

All credit for it's existence should go to that wonderful crew that
shot more than 20 hours of footage of Lysts and compiled this video.
I hope an hour length version will eventually be available.

I suppose you could call me the producer of the film as I arranged
it's making and bought site and feast for the crew.  I believe that
gives me some claim to it's copyright.  I'm sure the lawyers and
aficionados on this list will send their opinions and advise on such
matters.  If it is as I believe and I have some say, I grant rights to
any who would use this video to do so insomuch as they use it in its
entirety and give credit to the Lysts at Castleton Film Crew.

I also grant permission to forward this e-mail to any SCA list, public
or private.

The video is some 24MB in its compressed form so I cannot e-mail it to
anyone.  Those who have requested copies will have to find some other
way to get them from me but I will happily provide them.

Working as the steward for Lysts last year was one of the highlights
of my time in the SCA and I was very proud of what was accomplished
and the people that made it happen.  I think this video shows why I
feel that way.



sirgiotto at gmail.com

We are knights. We are professional killers constrained by a code of
conduct that turns murder into both art and service. -- Duke Cuán
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