[Ansteorra] End of year issue of cards

Bianca della Vittoria bianca_celtic at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 18:40:41 PST 2009

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Here are the last of the December issue of cards. Updated background checks have also been recieved and new yellow cards are going out for youth boffer and youth rapier marshals. These cards are a different color to designate that they are for the youth authorizations because they have shorter expiration dates than the green cards due to the dates that the background checks are valid for.  
Youth marshal cards issued:
Erik Clawhanded-Mike Lane
Kelandra Carmichael-Teresa Herring
Alfred Huddlestone-Howard Joseph Featherling
William of Weleven- William Butler
Tivar Moondragon-Chris Zakes
Ceallach mac Donal-Kelly Hatcher
Therese Marie Giovanni-Therese Kwansy
Tadgh MacAedain uiConchobhair-Coolidge M. Graves Jr. 
Muirghein MacKiernan-Laurie Garnes
Tostig Logiosophi- Robert L. Wade
Rhiannon ferch Cian-Deborah R. Wade
Alesone Lesley-Lori Wyvill
Uther Blackthorne-Michael Young
Gunther Walderman-John Carter
Owen of Seawinds- Clayton Randolf
Catrina de Nuccio-Mona Dawkins
Marshallate authorization cards issued:
Amy Lee
Dunchad Mor Mac Ronain-James Moore   
Giovanni Rocco-James DiRocco
Sebastian Frobishire-Archie Darr II
Vincenti da Murano-Doug Copley
Misty Hosey-Honour Du Bois
Daniel de Burdon-Danel Hodnett
Shannon Brewster-Edward y Blaidd, If you see this, I need your address and contact information so I can send you a card. 
Have a great week everyone! If you are headed to 12th night travel safely.
2009 here we go!
HL Bianca della Vittoria
marshallate secretary 


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