[Ansteorra] How would a Venetian Lady Behave at Carnival?

willowdewisp at juno.com willowdewisp at juno.com
Sun Jan 11 23:38:31 PST 2009

I think this is a fun topic and I would like us to discuss it.
I first think we should set some rules. Please Remember that the facts can be interpreted in many ways.   Please if you have some period source about a subject please share but it is OK if it is only minimal and it is OK if you don't have any. Question are welcome and if you have an interesting one we might start a side discussion. 
I usually do not play late Period Ladies because I feel I lack the finesse to carry it off. After reading "The Courtier" it seemed that Ladies are suppose to be witty and Duchesses are suppose to positively brilliant. So first question
Is wit a necessary skill in being a lady of the Renaissance and do you think a Venetian Lady would be more so?
Second question. Flirtation. Some writers have said that the Venetian Lady made an art form of flirtation. How should that be done in the SCA?
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