[Ansteorra] Defender of the Fort 2009 & Spring Event

ducklodge ducklodge at att.net
Tue Jan 20 21:12:03 PST 2009

Greetings from the Autocrat of "A Day At The Stones Of Raven's Fort" 

( formally known as the Autocrat of "Defender of the Fort" ) :


As many of you know, when the storm blew in last September, Raven's Fort was forced to postpone our Defender of the Fort event from its PED due to damage and the lack of almost everything.  Our conventional wisdom at that time was to move Defender to the spring weekend that we already had reserved.  Even though everything was falling into place easily, there was not the excitement present that was there before the storm.  I have Autocrated fourteen times, and as I explained at our officers meeting last night, I am a Zen Autocrat.  I am willing to facilitate almost anything IF IT FEELS RIGHT.  Holding Defender in the spring never felt quite right to me.  When I discovered that Elfsea's Defender is rescheduled for the same weekend it pushed me over the line.  I had to voice my reservations.  At officers meeting everyone had their say which took about an hour and forty minutes.  In the end everyone agreed that the best thing for our Barony, Elfsea and the Kingdom was to rethink our spring event.  It was unanimously decided that Raven's Fort will again postpone our Baronial Championships until Defender's traditional date in September.  We sincerely hope that this will not inconvenience anyone.


I have volunteered to stay on through the fall to coordinate the Baronial Champions competitions for Defender in September.  Since I have already made arrangements for liaisons and supplies, it seemed to be the easiest and right thing to do.  I am hoping that everyone that has agreed to fill a position will still be available and willing to assist me and whoever is selected as the new Defender Autocrat.


For those of you that don't know, Raven's Fort has had its last two events weathered out.  Between you and  me and the rest of the Known World,  we need a successful event to replenish our coffers and lift our spirits.  We are hoping that changing both heavy and light fighting scenarios to MELEE BATTLES will draw the fighters that aren't interested in list style tourneys.  Good for Elfsea and good for us.  We will also sponsor an EQUESTRIAN competition and an ARCHERY open.  A simple event, but simple is what is needed now.  


Simple will allow us eight and a half months to clear the storm and logging damage that has befallen The Stones so we will have a clean and presentable site for Defender.  There is much work to be done, but that is where Raven's Fort shines its brightest.  When we work, we always party.  We love seeing each other so there are always lots of smiles.  We have a CAMPING WORK WEEKEND at The Stones scheduled for February 6th, 7th and 8th.  Please feel free to come out Friday evening and stay till Sunday.


We also have a work DAY scheduled at our new site near Conroe on Saturday, February 14th, Valentine's Day.  Please bring personal shovels, hand tools, chain saws and the like.


When the decision was made to once again postpone the high persona Defender event and hold a "spring style" fun event in April, I could feel the pulse of the Barony change.  We had found our way  back to our true rhythm.  Our locals are good hearted and strong willed.  With the help of friends throughout the kingdom we have been able to see our way through troubled waters.  Many thanks for all of the efforts that you have already rendered.  In closing, I would like to say how proud I am of Baron Brian, Baroness Fionna and our Seneschal, Lady Giovanna.  Their open minds and ability to adapt has made uncertainty times easier on their populace.  Kudos.


For more information or to volunteer, please contact this humble Autocrat at byzytym at att.net or 281-367-3409 wireless / 281-419-2167 home.

See you at A Day at The Stones of Raven's Fort, April 3rd, 4th and 5th if not before.


In service to the Barony and the Kingdom,

Volodymyr of the Black Isle / Vlod NotVlad



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