[Ansteorra] ISO early Eldern Hills folk

Leslie Snipes lesdsnipes at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 11 15:11:39 PDT 2009

If you played in Eldern Hills way back when, I'd love to hear from you.  If you know any of these folks, please put me in touch with them:
Dominic Janizaries, Gerard MacEanruig, Lashmyer Geldbatter, Bronwyn Montaigne, Jemeine de la Roane (Jaena), Tarrack de Sivyer, Erich Kleimfelds, Reagaie Radolfdater, Marcus de Tesslar, Leora Scarsel, Ruthar of the Sandhills, Kuriell the Wanderer
I once had contact info for some of the early Eldern folk and, if I suddenly stopped responding to your emails, please forgive me.  I had a series of mini strokes and, when I didn't log into my email account for 6 months, yahoo deleted everything.
Pandora (Aldonza Dulcinea)

Leslie S.


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