[Ansteorra] Volunteering at Pennsic

Carolle Ternus clternus at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 14 18:40:12 PDT 2009

I've been asked to pass this along to the kingdom email list and the 
peerage lists. Please forward.

Radegund of Tours
Kingdom Chronicler

*A call to everyone attending Pennsic War 38*

*/Did you know/* *that if every person who attended Pennsic did **/just 
_one_/** two-hour shift at a Pennsic Service Point there wouldn't be 
enough work to go around?*

*Service Point areas that need volunteers include:*

Disability Services

First Aid Point (Chirurgeons)
Games Tent
Heralds' Point

Information Point

Pennsic University (A&S)
Public Safety

Town Criers (Cry Heralds)
Troll (Check-In)

*To volunteer prior to War, check out the on-line Volunteering Page at: 
<http://www.pennsicwar.org/penn38/GENERAL/volunteers.html> and contact 
the person in charge of the department in which you are interested. *To 
volunteer at the War, just go to Information Point across from the camp 
store and sign up*. It’s that easy.

A staff of nearly 100 volunteers has devoted tremendous time and energy 
over the past year to the planning of your medieval vacation and will 
continue to do so right through the War. These dedicated individuals 
take “working vacations” at Pennsic, and their motto seems to be “we 
work so that you can play”. Without them, Pennsic could never happen for 
all of us to enjoy.

Volunteer numbers have been declining over the past few years, making 
this more difficult. * I ask you please to consider devoting an hour or 
two to the service of everyone during your Pennsic vacation. It’s fun* – 
you get to meet lots of other folks you might not meet otherwise who 
share your love of Pennsic. *It’s informative* – you get to learn some 
of what goes on “behind the scenes” to make Pennsic run. *It’s 
fulfilling *-- you come away with a sense of accomplishment and service 
rendered that can become addictive if applied regularly.

We look forward to having you join us.

In service,

Baroness Rosamund Beauvisage, OP, OL

Deputy Mayor for Interdepartmental Matters, PW38

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