[Ansteorra] List of Fighter Cards to be Mailed Out July 1st and mailout changes

Kory-Kajira Lewis torinsmail at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 30 21:17:27 PDT 2009

I apologize for being a week late--we had an unforseen family situation that had to be taken care of first.  Here is the list of all authorizations rec'd via mail or e-mail as of today.


Due to needing to find ways to cut costs of card making due to increased postage and supplies costs, I have re-formatted the cards to be postcards (will cut out envelops, and decrease postage from $0.44 to $0.22).  I think I have them formatted to where the postdate mark and such won't get on the card, but if there is a barcode printed in the post office, it may spill over onto the card, but in an unaffected spot.  Please send feedback if there are any issues.  


Fighter Authorization Cards to be Mailed Out July 1st
1.       Baker, C
2.       Catron, P
3.       Catron, P
4.       Chezem, C
5.       Cooper, M
6.       Couch, J
7.       Dowdy, M
8.       England, D
9.       Francis, A
10.   Godfrey, B
11.   Gonzalez, C
12.   Howsmon, R
13.   Johnson, G
14.   Lindsey, S
15.   Mathias, M
16.   McKee, T
17.   Monk, T
18.   Sharpless, D
19.   Steele, D
20.   Steele, J
21.   Thorne, P
22.   Turnage, D
23.   Wilkerson, G
24.   Wininger, J

(crossing fingers :)  )


Kajira Camber
  (Khayra bint Tahir ibn Rashid)
m.k.a. Kory Lewis
a.k.a. Rabbit's Wife

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