[Ansteorra] A&S War Point

Deana Covel Whitney dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 23 15:16:54 PDT 2009

Greetings Ansteorra,

 In my excitement from war I failed to ask about A&S scores for individuals in the A&S competition.  So my announcement about not hearing about a score under 21 points, cause THL Anne Barrington to be placed in a awarded situation.  While her score was lower than this, a 19.5 is NOT a low score.  She indeed help Ansteorra win the A&S war point back this year and has no cause for embarrassment.
  I think she handled correcting a possible mis-representation with great grace.  I am the one who placed her in the situation, so I must apologize.  I have privately emailed her, but wanted everyone else to know I realized my mistake.

Lesson Learned: only announce the averaged score.

If I caused another artisan to be placed in the same situation, I am truly sorry.

 Hanna von Dahl,OL

"Burn brightly without burning out." - Richard Briggs


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