[Ansteorra] Performing at the Spotlight

Tina Michael tinabetta at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 07:41:51 PDT 2009

Hello all!

 This goes out to those in the Northern region up near Tulsa who might be
looking for an evening of fine entertainment. I am performing in the Olio at
the Spotlight Theatre in Tulsa Saturday night and I would love to see some
familiar faces in the audience, weather permitting. Go to
spotlighttheater.org for details on the show and on how to get reservations,
there is a group discount. If you miss this one I am also on the schedule
for April 25th, the weather might be better then...

Let me know if I will see you!

 Lady Augustina Elizabetta da San Germano
Minstrel of the Eclipse Moonschadowe
aka Tina
aka the Fabulous Miss Bubbles Boudoir

Any day above ground is a good day!

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