[Ansteorra] Fw: Upcoming activities

Karen French klfrench1023 at att.net
Tue May 26 07:56:31 PDT 2009

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Greetings, Ansteorra!

On Saturday, May 30th at 11:00AM, I will be hosting another Weekend Workshop that is open to any and all in the Central Region on fabric selection and patterning for Italian Renaissance Garb.  All who wish to come need to bring scissors, pins, and cheap cotton fabric for the pattern.  If you have any fabric that you believe suitable for this period, please feel free to bring it with you, and we can cut out a gown and/or overdress.  An average Italian Renaissance gown will take at least 4 yards, and the for the overgown you will need 3-4 yards, depending if you want a train.  I will be available for consultation  and assistance to all comers.  This is one of the simplest possible later period garb that you can make--really. Crash space can be arranged for any who are coming from a suitable distance.  Please feel free to cross-post to other lists.

Hope to see you there,
Caterina Fregoso, O.L.

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