[Ansteorra] Repeat Announcement for Queen's Champion!

Catalina Ana de Salamanca catalina at ravenkeep.org
Wed May 27 13:12:32 PDT 2009

We are going to be hosting a Middle Eastern Dance Party or
Hafla under the large white permanent tent immediately after Bardic. In
order for
  this party to be as  much fun as it possibly can be, I'd like to request a
  little help.
We're  going to need a few things:

  Mats or rugs to cover the ground
  Pillows to sit on
  Nibbles to keep the party going
  Drinks, well we know what drinks are for
  Tables to put drinks and nibbles on
  Musicians!! Hard to dance without 'em
  Dancers!! considering that's the theme

  If you happen to have some or all of the items on this list
  please feel free  to bring them to Queen's Champion in Bryn Gwlad at the
  end this week!

 We promise to return everything in the same or better condition then when
we  borrowed it.
  Questions? Concerns? Interest in Negotiating Rental Fees?
  Please feel free  to contact me.


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