[Ansteorra] Help for willow "old mother Ansteorra

willowdewisp at juno.com willowdewisp at juno.com
Fri May 29 20:16:35 PDT 2009

Dear People I need Help!
As you know I have a cat problem. I was good for many years and only have two cats but when my mother died I inherited her cats which I thought she had fixed. When we had the fire and had to keep our house open until we got the wiring worked on they got out. They were not fixes.
I got kittens. I was unsuccessful in finding homes for these cats.
Then I inherited my Mother=in =Law's Cats. Now I am in big trouble.
My sons are moving out and are only taking some cats. 
Duke Jonathan and I can not handle the cats with our health. Our Doctors tell us that we should get rid of them and the City agrees.
I have been trying to find a no-kill shelter but I have failed. 
I have taken a lot of the younger cats down to the pound and I hope they have a chance. But most of the cats I have left are rather plain looking stripys. They are loving and smart and wonderful to be around but I worry a lot about them.
If any of you could find a place in you heart to take in one of my loving cat I would be grateful. If any of you have contacts with a no=kill shelter that would take even one. That would be a load off me. 
My Doctor tells me I have to get rid of them and I am not to put any stress on my heart but every time we start to take a cat to the Arlington pound I end up at the hospital with chest pains.or laid up in my bed. Of course that stops the taking the cat away. His Grace says this can't go on and suggested that write you folks and hope you have some ideas to help me out. 
If you can help me I would be willing to paint wall hangings or shields or teach classes or do what I can to repay you.
Duchess Willow de Wisp
Please pass this message anyone who you think could help.
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