[Ansteorra] The Cloven Fruit game...

Peter Schorn peterschorn at pdq.net
Sun Oct 25 16:08:39 PDT 2009

...got stated in the 70's, when everyone was still relatively young and
slender and it was not considered forward to go around tongue-kissing people
you'd just met.

By the late 80's a new generation had come along which had spent its
adolescence among the spread of herpes and AIDS instead of the Pill and Free
Love.  They had a very different take on things than their elders did.

Speaking as one of those elders I have to say it was nice while it lasted.
But I also have to say that while it's cute to see skinny pretty young
people playing kissy-face, people pushing fifty (from either side) who are
inclined to go bobbing for tonsils should do so in private.

"And there's my epistle on the subject."  Hope I haven't epistled too many
of you off.


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