[Ansteorra] a brief thank you

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner burgborrendohl at valornet.com
Wed Oct 21 06:18:53 PDT 2009

We would like to express our appreciation for the hospitality of the 
Barony of Bjornsborg at their recent event, Ursae-Lyons III.  For any 
who have not enjoyed this event, we would encourage you to attend.  It 
is pure fun and the people of Bjornsborg are wonderfully friendly and 
hospitable.  We were served a lunch worthy of a feast and the tokens we 
received just for participating were as good as prizes.  We know that 
next year, if life allows, we will try and journey a day earlier so that 
we will not be too tired to miss out on what we're sure were great 
festivities that evening.  Again, we must express that we had a grand 
time that day and thank all those who worked so hard to make this event 

Damon and Ismet of Northkeep

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