[Ansteorra] Ladies Tea at Seawind's Defender

Amanda Smith kyrogue at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 15:07:06 PDT 2010

Seawind's Defender is just two weeks away!

At this year's Defender we'll be holding a Ladies Tea and all ladies are
encouraged to bring their own teacups.  This is the chance for you to bring
that rare find you made at an antique store, or an heirloom passed down
generation to generation, or that hilarious one you found in a coffee shop.
Big or small, antique or new, all cups are welcome!

All Ladies are encouraged to attend the tea, and the ladies of our shire
have been working extra hard to make the tea perfect for all of you.

So that we may properly anticipate our numbers, RSVP for the tea, and
gustatory at the tea are highly encouraged!

Lady Yuming Yao
Seawinds Herald

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