[Ansteorra] Advice to a new Baron and Baroness

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Thu Dec 30 18:31:09 PST 2010

On Dec 30, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Robert G. Ferrell wrote:

> On 12/30/2010 4:31 PM, Hillary Greenslade wrote:
>> The question: 
>> What advice, suggestions or counsel would you give to a new Baron and Baroness 
>> in order for them to find success in their new office?  
> I haven't served as a territorial noble personally, but when Mistress
> Mari ferch Rathtyen stepped down from the baronial throne of Bjornsborg
> her first words to me were (paraphrased):
> "After ten years, my opinion finally counts again."
> Cynric

Okay, Cynric, I guess I don't see what you are saying. I can't see Mari *ever* just being a figurehead. I would think as Baroness you have to take pains to be even-handed and as non-biased as you can.  Not because your opinion didn't count. Because it does. A lot more than the average member.

I can easily see a good baroness saying that she is finally free to express her opinion again. Not because it didn't when being the baroness, but because it very much did. As someone else mentioned, what the baroness is interested in, gets done while other ideas may languish.


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