[Ansteorra] Candlemas A&S - Results

Deana Covel Whitney dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 9 06:46:23 PST 2010

Greetings Everyone,

If you missed Candlemas, you missed a beautiful event and a wonderful display of A&S and bardic talent. 

For the new Artisan of Bryn Gwlad, THL Sosha Lyon's O'Rourke - Vivat!
She won with an amazingly cooked full boar's head. It was as delicious as it was beautiful.

For the new Bard of Bryn Gwlad, Lord Brian Ó hUilliam - Vivat!
He preformed three wonderful pieces that were also well documented.

The winner of the "Senses Display" was Alessandro Zorizi of the Steppes. He had composed a lovely violin piece and as part of his display left a recording of it up for everyone to enjoy.  

In the Children's A&S competition, young Neil McNeil, won with a table top trebuchet.  Many were entrained by lobbing the chocolate kisses he had left as ammunition. The other entry was a cute embroider handkerchief. 

I also want to thank the many laurels who helped me judged the 10 entries:
Susanne, Duncan, Sara, Rhiannon, Melisenda, Amata, and Therasia.

And many thanks go to Herr Wilhelm von Arzt.  He was a great A&S competition coordinator. In addition he suggested the Senses Display,  provided many of the prizes, and shadowed judge. 

In Service to the Arts,
   Hanna von Dahl, OL 
   Outgoing Artisan of Bryn Gwlad

"Burn brightly without burning out." - Richard Briggs


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