[Ansteorra] Fee Increase and other Business...

Tega Albert montega2 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 06:22:38 PST 2010

While I certainly understand the need for prices to go up, I can't say I am
in agreement with the non member fee being 5 dollars a person. As
Hospitaler, trying to get new members is already a challenge. In Northkeep's
officers meeting last night I proposed a membership drive to begin pushing
up the number of members for our group and respectively Ansteorra as a
whole. This would be accomplished the same way any other fund raiser would.
IE: "pass the hat" and other creative ways. Each time we get enough for a
family membership we will draw names to see who gets it. We recently had a
donated family membership. I put out word asking for all who were in need of
a membership (single or family) to enter the drawing. We were able to
provide a family of four a membership. It was a great feeling! In today's
economy, we need to help each other out. You never know who is struggling
out there. This will help our kingdom as a whole. I challenge other
Hospitalers and groups to begin a membership drive as well.

 Since I am already here, I might as well mention a few other things... Some
know, some don't. The last fighter practice of each month, our barony
(Northkeep) has a gathering called Grub N Garb. We put on our garb, we all
bring a covered dish to share. We have a venue that is such that it allows
us to hold fighter practice on one side of the building and GNG on the
other. To those that practice outside you can still do this. I started GNG
in Northkeep 4 or 5 years ago and even outside it was success. On those
nights, we have had over 60 people in attendance. This is an excellent
opportunity to bring in new people. I urge other groups to start something
like this. We will be adding to our GNG by having different things each
quarter. Period cooking contests, trade days where you can get in on good
deals and trading, also A&S competitions. (as a shameless plug, our GNG is
next Wed)

 I hope I didn't take up too much of your time, but I really wanted to get
these ideas "out there". The bottom line is that in order to grow our groups
and our Kingdom (ultimately helping our financial success) we have to put a
little effort into it. Especially with prices going up. If anyone has
questions, feel free to contact me. Especially other Hospitalers. By putting
our ideas and thoughts together we will help each other and our great

Montega Blackdragon
Hospitaler of Northkeep

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