[Ansteorra] Newcomer Ideas...And Now a Word from your Kingdom Hospitaler

Maria Buchanan scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 22 11:17:42 PST 2010

That's actually not a bad idea.  Having been a Hospitaler, I can tell you that there were times that loaner gear did not come back.  You could make it a little token that the newcomer might want to keep.  That way, they can have the token back when they return the things they borrowed.  

--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Albin_oil_de_larrun <albin_oil_de_larrun at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Albin_oil_de_larrun <albin_oil_de_larrun at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Newcomer Ideas...And Now a Word from your Kingdom Hospitaler
> To: "alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net" <alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net>, "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Cc: "Inc.Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA" <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 12:33 PM
> If you have a " newcomers point".
> Then you could have a set of tokens at Gate designed for
> newcomers. Tell them how to get to the station and they can
> turn in the token in exchange for help or services. I say
> services because each group will have it's own version of
> help. Be it clothing or pamphlets etc.  
> Worst case they keep the token, but it's then their choice.
> No pressure or being singled out.
> Ld Albin Oil de Larrun 
> On Feb 22, 2010, at 12:21 PM, alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net
> wrote:
> After reading the wonderful discussion over the last few
> days regarding newcomers (and I can't tell you how happy it
> makes me to see this many of you interested in the subject),
> the time has come for me to put on my "Kingdom Hospitaler"
> hat and make a few observations and a suggestion.
> I have to agree with Don Robin and others here that putting
> "labels" on newcomers is not the best idea.  Many are
> nervous and unsure about what we are about and would rather
> remain in the "background" a bit to just observe. 
> Obviously marking them as newcomers might make them
> uncomfortable.  Sashes or badges of particular colors
> could be confusing to current SCA members, particularly if
> each group has its own idea of what is effective, and nobody
> has the master "secret decoder".
> The one idea that I have been pushing with the Regional and
> local Hospitalers is a dedicated "Newcomers Point" at all
> major events for any group in the Kingdom.  Place it
> near gate, assign individuals to escort newcomers around the
> site, and make sure those escorts introduce them to SCAers
> who are interested in sharing their activities and provide
> an explanation of what is going on in a particular
> area.  Make sure you have handouts on hand, loaner garb
> to borrow, and perhaps cool drinks and snacks
> available.  Some visitors will only stay a short while,
> some will want to stay the rest of the day.  If that is
> the case, perhaps a "newcomer pavilion" along one of the
> list fields would come in handy.
> Make them feel welcome by being courteous and willing to
> answer questions, but don't make them uncomfortable being a
> newcomer by making it glaringly obvious that's what they
> are.
> If you have specific ideas about what your group wants to
> do, please let me and your local Hospitaler know what they
> are.  We are always open to new perspectives.
> YIS,
> Countess Elizabeth Seale
> Kingdom Hospitaler
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