[Ansteorra] Easy food for war

James Crouchet james at crouchet.com
Thu Jan 28 15:31:53 PST 2010

Sorry if this is a little off topic but a couple of people have asked me
about it so here is the info.

If you are looking for easy food for war you might check out a company
called Tasty Bite. Their food is ready to eat meals in packages that can be
heated in boiling water. It is quite good (IMO) and it is clean and chem
free enough that even I can eat most of it. You can find full ingredient
lists on their web site.

They make Indian and Thai foods, mostly various veggie stews and curries as
well as packets of ready-to-eat rice (both flavored and plain).

The packaged food needs no refrigeration (more room in the ice chest for
beer). Drop it in boiling water for 10 minutes to heat. At home you could
just open the packets, pour it into a bowl and microwave it.

I am a small guy but a big eater so for dinner I sometimes want 2 entrées
with plain rice, or an entrée over one of their rice pilafs. Alternately,
you could make it a bigger meal by also having bread and cheese, sausage,
fruit, veggies, desserts or all of the above. :-)

The web site is:

What this food is NOT is big hunks of meat. In fact, there is no meat AFAIK.
Of course you can always add animal parts but for most of us that means
doing a little actual cooking.

I hope some of you find this helpful.

Christian Doré

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