[Ansteorra] Story from Crown Tourney

pancua pancua at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 09:06:41 PDT 2010

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Childers, Jeff
<Jeff.Childers at ttuhsc.edu>wrote:

> Who is to be blamed. The guy who BELIEVES he is ok or us, his supposed
> friends, who lets them head back out. There have been times where someone
> should have said something but didn't.

> Garreth Silverthane
> ____________________

This is an argument I hear a lot and it really aggravates me.  Who is to be
blamed? The fighter, cause it is ultimately their decision.

I refuse to take the responsibility for someone else's actions if they
refuse to listen to what their bodies are telling them. Do I have the right
to say something to them? Of course, out of general respect. But to tell
them they cannot fight cause *I* feel they can't? No, that is not my
responsibility. The only way I would interfere with a person and their
ability to fight is if they were so completely incoherent at which point, I
doubt they would be fighting anymore anyways.

In humble service to The Barony of  Bryn Gwlad,

Lady Magdelena "Dena" Cortez
MKA Katy Hendrick
Cell: 512-585-4172

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