[Ansteorra] Why Crown Tourney has been moved to the heat.

Jay Rudin rudin at peoplepc.com
Thu Jul 22 09:38:36 PDT 2010

There is no question that we have one activity that is far more dangerous than everything else we do combined.  That activity isn't fighting in the heat.  It isn't fighting on concrete floors.  Nobody has ever died doing that in the SCA.

The number one dangerous activity is driving to events.  Standing, or fighting, in the heat is simply trivial by comparison.

Ansteorrans dying from fighting in any conditions: zero.
Ansteorrans dying from driving to events: several.

If we are actually motivated by safety concerns, *all* talk should be on this subject.  There is simply no comparison.

Watching people fight in the heat is not seriously dangerous in comparison.  It's uncomfortable, but nobody has died watching the event, and people have died driving to it.

Yes, there are safety issues at events, but all safety issues at the event combined are trivial compared to driving to get there.  Reducing the risks of driving by 1% will provide more safety that reducing the risk of fighting by 99%.

We can't get rid of driving to events without shutting down the SCA.  This risk is not avoidable.  So if you want to make your SCA life safer, improve your driving.  Put down the phone.  Let all calls be made by a passenger.  Repack or leave some stuff behind so you can see behind you.  Pull over and get a room when you're tired.  Stay focused on the road, not the discussion about politics or fighting outdoors.

That's the number one safety issue, and nothing else comes close.  

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin

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