[Ansteorra] Archeyr Experiment this weekend at Stargate

B Scott Mills b.scott.mills at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 15:05:18 PDT 2011

Greetings All,

I will be doing some archery experiments this weekend at Stargate/Loch 
Baronial and need as many bows as possible to participate in the 
tests.    The tests will consist of shooting a specific set of test 
arrows and bolts through my chronograph to gather some performance data.

I am particularly interested in testing Combat Crossbows in the 60 to 
75# range and in the near 600 IP range.  Also good recurve bows in the 
30, 35, and 40# range.

The goal of the above tests is to compare the real energy between combat 
crossbows and handbows.

Additionally, I am interested in doing some blunt destructive tests with 
crossbows near and over the 600 IP combat limit.

If you are coming to the event and have bows and crossbows that can be 
used to gather data for this experiment I would ask that you bring them 
and find me at the archery range for some quick measurements.

Thank You!


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