[Ansteorra] Defenders of the Rose Tournament information

Diana Steelquist baroness_cateau at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 25 14:13:52 PDT 2011

Greetings Ansteorrans!
On May 7th and 8th, the Ansteorran Ladies of the Rose will select their newest members of the Defenders of the Rose.  This select group of fighters, equestrians, archers, bards and artists is only increased every two years.  We invite you to attend and compete to join the companions who uphold and defend our honor.
The site is Camp Camwood in Hockley, Texas.  This same site was used just last month for the Stargate/Loch Soillier Co-baronials.  Site opens at 6:00 pm Friday and closes following the final Rose court on Sunday by 2:00 pm.
Saturday will include the Chivalric list at 10:00 am, sponsored by Duchess Rowan Beatrice Von Kamper and Duke Hector Philip Martel.   The format will be an old style Warlord (snowball) tournament. The first pairings will be set up using an order of Precedence and folding in half.  Best 2 out of 3, with different scenarios beyond the first round (open field, bridge and fortification)  HRH Lochlan is offering a special prize plaque belt to the winner. 
Static Arts will be judged beginning at 11:00 am and is sponsored by Duchess Julia de Montoya.  Standard A&S judging forms will be used with extra points given for having a Rose themed entry.
Saturday’s lunch celebrating the marriage banns of  HL Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh  and Don Maelgwyn Dda will be provided as a gift to everyone at the event by the happy couple and friends. 
At noon, the Archery list will begin sponsored by Countess Margaret ny Connor.  The format is as follows: 
6 qualifying shoots: wreath shoot, timed window shoot, string shoot, clout/long distance shoot, and two combat archery shoots (no armor required). The finals will be between the top 4 archers from the qualifying shoots.  They will be head-to-head target archery matches.
Rapier tournament will begin at 1:30 pm sponsored by HRM Ebergardis Von Zell.
2:00 pm will see the start of the Performance arts competition.  “tournament” style:  first round no eliminations, each subsequent round half the field will be eliminated until only 1 is standing.   The theme will be virtues of Chivalry.  Documentation is appreciated but not required.   Countess Rebekah Kleinspielerin will be judging and sponsoring this competition.  The final rounds will be held at 8:00 pm Saturday night.
Following Royal Court, Saturday evening feast will be served by the Barony of Stargate around 6:30 pm.
Sunday morning wake up to brunch of eggs benedict, fresh fruit and mimosas/juice.  Donations willing accepted but not required for brunch.  
The Equestrian Competition will start at 9:00 am and is sponsored by Countess Elizabeta di Valore della Rossa .  Format will be a games course based on the legend of St. George and the Dragon. Spear throwing, pig sticking, ring lancing and rescuing the princess will be part of the skills tests. 
Following the conclusion of the Equestrian competition, the Ladies of the Rose will announce our newest members to the Company of the Defenders of the Rose.
Site fee is $12 and includes the Hospitality Pavilion with snacks and refreshments served all day Saturday and hosted by the Shire of Seawinds, the Saturday Lunch and Sunday’s brunch.  Family max is $36 and children 5 and under are free. Kids 6 to 15 pay $6.  Feast fees are $8. Children 10 and under will enjoy the feast for free. See the Roses website for additional site information: http://roses.ansteorra.org/ or you may contact the Event Steward: Duchess Cateau d’Ardennes at baroness_cateau at hotmail.com 

Cateau d'Ardennes
"Deeds not words"



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