[Ansteorra] why regions?

willowdewisp at juno.com willowdewisp at juno.com
Sat Aug 6 13:45:26 PDT 2011

The creation of regions was suppose to give groups in all areas a level of officers that would help them. The kingdom officer found it too hard to personally get to all the group. Area's were talking about the need  of principalities to solve this problem.
Regions were created to give groups a kingdom officers that they could get help from and someone who could take problems up to the Crown. They were to give the smalls a source of data so they would know who they could go to for advice and help 
That seemed to help for about an decade but now it has failed. hTe fact that so many small groups have failed and the fact we are losing problem proves that the system isn't working. It might be time for the Crown and Its officers to put more one to one time into our problems. 
 The Crown might look in creating more kingdom level deputies. and corresponding warranted officers For example, every active art form or activity mean more people in a group. If a group is attracting heavy and rapier fighter and archers and lots of fiber arts people they might need to think about broadening the bardic and metal working and research aspect of the SCA, There is a great chance they have no one interested in those subjects because the RW rule for organizing  Is "like recruits like".
 A office that is there with list of people who might be willing to come to the group and materials. A person on a computer and a phone that can offer help to demo organizers and offer a list of teachers that would be able to teach the new people that were recruited. the regional officers used to do this but that doesn't appear to being done. A kingdom system might prove more useful.
We are in trouble and only the Crown and Kingdom officers can pull resources out to help groups in trouble. The Crown can ask its peers to help. Peers are often a neglected resource in groups and many peers do not want to appear pushy. If the Crown asks us to help many of us would help.
I know the SCA is an entertainment group, but all groups need people to do "work" so the rest of us can "play" Ansteorra was set up for the officers to transmit information and make  reports and keep all the papers in order and to help people with red tape.
 We believed that everything else was done by the people with the natural leadership leading us. In the course of time most the natural leaders became peers and nobles. It is one of the function of awards to spotlight individuals so new people will know who to model. 
The Crown was to keep track of things and direct resources of the kingdom  to help the people of the kingdom. 
When regions were working everything was fine but now it isn't. Regions jut seem to offer a barrier that filters information from reaching the Crown. How can our Crowns help us and administrate our kingdom if they don't know what is really going on.
So I ask the question do we still need regions.
Duchess Willow de Wisp
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