[Ansteorra] Herald's for Mooneschadowe's Provincial Triumph of the Eclipse

Cisco Cividanes engtrktwo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 15:05:31 PDT 2011

Greetings one and all.

The time for Mooneschadowe's Provincial Triumph of the Eclipse is near
(Sept. 16-18), and this year it looks like mother nature will show us
no mercy. As the head herald for the event, I'm looking to get as many
people to help out crying list and site heraldry as I can. That way we
don't burn out a small handful when the heat spikes in the middle of
the afternoon.

So, for the veteran band of regulars who always show up and shake the
rafters with me, who's coming this year?

And if anyone out there has no idea what heraldry is, let me take this
chance to encourage you to ask around. Its a wonderful, rewarding
skill that helps set the SCA apart from almost any other activity I
have ever been part of. Ask you local herald what this is all about,
and if you're still interested when Triumph rolls around, I'm happy to
teach you the ropes. Its part of what I love about heralding anyway.

Lord Ivo Blackhawk
Coordinating herald
Mooneschadowe's Provincial Triumph of the Eclipse

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