[Ansteorra] I'm opening a Renaissance Festival Pawn Shop

Fields Family Farm fields at texas.net
Fri Dec 30 07:25:42 PST 2011


I'm opening a Renaissance Festival Pawn Shop, and I need inventory.

I've been building a booth at the local renfaire (Sherwood Forest Faire),
and the fair opens in about a month and a half.  It'll be a Tinker Booth (I
fix things) and a Pawn Shop for renfaire type stuff.   I'll have the booth
ready by then (it's a pretty elaborate booth), but, as of yet, I have very
little inventory.

I'm looking for things that are used and/or broken (that I can fix).  I
don't have a huge amount of capital currently (I've spent most of it on
building the shop), but I won't try to cheat anyone on prices.  Though, I
will bargain (I need the practice).

This is your chance to get rid of those things that have been sitting in
the back of your closet - things you don't use any more for whatever
reason.  Things that you made early in your crafting career, or that you
found at the thrift store that you didn't end up using, or have outgrown,
or have replaced with newer, better stuff.

I can offer some money for anything that I can sell.    More expensive
items I can sell on consignment.  Tell me how much you need to get out of
it, and I'll mark it up from there.

And, I'll happily take donations.  I'm willing to take period looking junk
right now, things unlikely to sell, just to fill out the shelves of the
shop and make it look period, until I get more stock.

I'm in the Austin area, but I occasionally get to Houston and DFW, and can
go to San Antonio.  I'll make a special trip to just about anywhere in
Ansteorra, if there's enough stuff to pick up to make it worthwhile.  Or,
we can arrange for things to be passed hand-to-hand via eventgoers to get
it here.

I'm also looking for recommendations on thrift stores, antique shops, and
even online links to other sources of inventory.  So, even if you don't
have anything yourself, but know someone or somewhere that does, that too
will help.

(Tobar Tinker, in the renfaire community).

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