[Ansteorra] Roman re-enactors

Sir Lyonel sirlyonel at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 18 13:37:22 PST 2011

Salut mes fras,

Forgive me if the following is a bit long, but I need to provide some  

My daughter's high school, the Austin Liberal Arts and Sciences  
Academy (LASA) boasts one of the top Latin programs in the country,  
primarily due to the efforts of one man, their Latin teacher, Byron  
Browne. We're all still trying to understand the logic at work here,  
but due to looming statewide budget cuts, the principal of LASA is  
threatening to layoff Mr. Browne, which would end the LASA Latin  
program. Similar cuts threaten to end the Latin programs for Bowie and  
Austin High Schools. The LASA Latin students are fighting this lunacy,  
supported by their parents, LASA Latin alumni, many other LASA foreign  
language students, members of the UT Classics Department, and most of  
the  other Latin teachers in Austin (private and public schools  
alike). For ongoing efforts, the students are looking to create some  
buzz to garner as much media attention as possible. In politics, the  
squeaky wheel really does get the grease.

Enough background? If you know anyone who takes part in Roman  
Legionnaire reenactment--preferably in or near the Austin area--or if  
you have authentic-looking Roman armor, fasces, standards, banners, or  
tunics, we'd like to get in touch.


En Lyonel

Sent from my iPhone

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