[Ansteorra] Event Calendar

Jay Rudin rudin at peoplepc.com
Sat Jan 1 09:10:42 PST 2011

>> Is 12th night really a 3-day event?

You are reading more into the calendar more than the calendar deputy is ever told.  Don't count on any officer for information beyond the scope of that office.  

The calendar deputy (and therefore the calendar) is not responsible for knowing *anything* about the event except what weekend it is scheduled for.  The calendar deputy puts events on the calendar before we have a site, or an event steward, or a schedule, and when we get a schedule we aren't required to change the calendar listing.  Therefore the calendar cannot tell you anything except what weekend an event occurs on.

>All weekend events are listed as three day events. I don't particularly like
>that assumption, but it makes things easier for the calendar deputy I

They aren't listed as three-day events.  They are listed as occurring at some time during that three-day period.  If I tell you that next Thanksgiving is in November, I haven't committed to a month-long feast.  Details about events are found in the event announcement, not the calendar.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin

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