[Ansteorra] Mongolian Grill Pancake Breakfast at Winterkingdom

Ian Dun Gillan ian1550 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 28 00:53:01 PST 2011

Technically I guess if the message had said the orient, west indies, and new
world...but those Mongols didn't include that information in their press
packet so it was not in the email sent. I have heard the tales and rumors
from the east and know never to anger one of those soulless devils of the
orient. It is my understanding that it took their wisest elders a long time
consulting with the four winds and the sky and the grasses of the plains to
get the wording of the previous message just the way they wanted it. Not
attending the initial sit downs with them from the interns notes it looks
like their original choice was "Come to Winterkingdom and buy our pancakes
or we will burn your cities in our wake and drive our herds over your lands
till a small child may walk the upon the land without stumbling" followed by
"Buy our pancakes or we will salt your fields, raid your herds, and empty
your stores till our pancakes are all there is to eat"...so I for one think
the original advertisement even with its improper geographical references to
the origins of chocolate and the other Mongolian embellishments is a big
improvement and sounds much friendlier and inviting.


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