[Ansteorra] Thank you for Crown Tournament !

hdec333 at aol.com hdec333 at aol.com
Sun Jul 17 09:51:21 PDT 2011

I do wish we could have made it there. Everything I've heard was wonderful!
Anna Mitrofanova and Hakon de Decker





-----Original Message-----
From: Ofelia <ladyohf at att.net>
To: 'Kingdom Seneschal' <seneschal at ansteorra.org>; 'Shire of Adlersruhe' <adlersruhe at lists.ansteorra.org>; 'Barony of Bonwicke - SCA, Inc.' <bonwicke at lists.ansteorra.org>; 'Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc.' <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sun, Jul 17, 2011 11:43 am
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Thank you for Crown Tournament !

Forgot to sign it! Oops!

HL Ofelia 


From: Ofelia [mailto:ladyohf at att.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 11:40 AM
To: 'Kingdom Seneschal'; 'Shire of Adlersruhe'; 'Barony of Bonwicke - SCA, 
Inc.'; 'Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc.'
Subject: Thank you for Crown Tournament !


Unto all the Populace ,


Forgive me for not getting this out earlier. I want to say to all “THANK YOU!!”  

Without all the help that was give and all the hard work from everyone Crown 
Tourney would not have been as much fun and looked so great!  


I want to especially say Thank You to HE Chiang and HE Toshiro and HL Wilkin, 
for coming in early on Friday and helping set up the list field and the extra 
heated shower , plus all the fill in little things that I did not notice them 
doing. Thank you Ld Albin and all the other people that helped doing things like 
set up pavilions, etc , I might not have notice, Thank you all for stepping up 
and helping. I appreciate you help without you this would not have worked out so 
great!  I want to thank, all our Shire members that worked on all our banners 
and pennants, drawing, painting and sewing them all. Our banners together with 
Bonwicke’s gave our field character. HL Kathrine for making and bringing the wet 
towels, they were very well received and looked just beautiful! Thank you my 
friend!  Lady Leonor and Audra thank you for helping at gate and water bearing. 
And of course Josh our new Lord Þorkell ǫlfúss , for staying at the water 
bearing table and coordinating to get water, oranges and pickles to all of the 
participants and audience during this very hot day. Great job! Ld Loadric for 
doing the Royal side board, it looked fabulous as usual. I do believe everyone 
enjoyed it.  I want to especially thank the Broken Toe Tavern for coming out and 
having food and drinks for all of us. I know it was a lot of hard work keeping 
all the drinks going and keeping food available to everyone!  We truly 
appreciate all of you for doing that for us. It meant a lot to us. I want to say 
Thank you to the Household of Rolling Thunder for supplying their fighters to 
help the crown participants warm up. And I especially want to say thank you to 
the Kingdom Seneschal and Their Majesties for allowing Adlersruhe and Bonwicke 
to have Crown here and Etienne for all your assistance in the paperwork and 


I am truly honored to have been able to Service our Kingdom and my Shire!

Thank you All! 







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