[Ansteorra] [MR] gifts for wandering bards?

Jay Rudin rudin at peoplepc.com
Wed Jun 29 08:37:56 PDT 2011

A polite bard will appreciate anything you offer, of course. But it's still valid to ask what would be the best thing to offer. And the problem is that it varies from person to person.

So first, LOOK at the bard.

If the bard is not carrying a mug or goblet,the best gift is a mug or goblet.

If the bard is carrying a cheap store-boughten mug or goblet, then the best gift is a cool hand-made mug or goblet.

(If the bard is carrying an empty mug or goblet, offer to fill it.)

If he or she just walked up and performed, offer a seat at your circle. In the middle of an evening of wandering, a moment to sit in a comfortable chair is wonderful. This becomes more important as the bard gets older.

If the bard is clearly new to the SCA, then jewelry is good. Also, if the bard is wearing non-award jewelry, jewelry is good. But if the bard is adorned with awards but no other jewelry, he or she will appreciate the gesture, but not likely wear your jewelry in the future.

If he or she is already carrying a mug and a chair, or a mug and a staff, don't offer anything that can't be worn, eaten, or drunk (unless you can see that it clearly fits in his/her pouch).

Any jewelry or accessory should fit the bard's persona. A Viking has as little use for a Renaissance hat as a Venetian courtier has for a torc. 

Food is often excellent, and there's no way to know if he or she is hungry without asking.

Having said all that, I end up where I started: a polite bard will appreciate anything you offer.

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin

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