[Ansteorra] Feast at Seawinds Defender

Joseph Percer jpercer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 09:10:52 PDT 2011

There is not nor has there ever been an automated anything; the
calendar updates are all done "by hand" (or at least, "by

Strictly speaking, I (and my predecessor, to the best of my
understanding of his training of me over some weeks; I have tried to
be consistent in policy) prefer calendar edits to come from the event
steward, yes; not just ACCEPS, but also, for example, adding links to
any event website, or correcting the location, or altering the event
name (happens quite a bit), or whatever.  The primary exceptions that
leap to mind are the Royal Progress and the Circles, both for
hopefully obvious reasons.  (And even then, the latter does sometimes
come from the event steward, as he or she notices the absent icon.)
But for the large part, having the event steward request any changes
other than those privileged to the Crown alone minimizes
misunderstandings (which nevertheless do come along from time to time,
sadly) and keeps me from being baffled by many data inputs.

Finally, while I'm sure it would be easiest on everyone if I kept my
finger on all the various pulses (what events have the various
circles? who's using ACCEPS? what's this event being called really?
etc), for my own sanity I believe it is best if the individual groups,
and their representation by way of the event steward, take
responsibility for making sure their entries on the calendar are as
accurate as possible and notifying me of any changes that would make
them more accurate.  When one deals with dozens of events a year
(never mind pressures that have nothing to do with the office or the
SCA necessarily, not excluding the vague memory that comes with age),
the desire for "push technology", if you will, is hopefully

Summary for those not wanting to wade through my blather: Yes, it is
best if event stewards examine their event's entry and notify me of
any needed changes.


HL Reis ap Tuder
Kingdom Calendar Deputy
calendar at ansteorra.org

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Haraldr Bassi
<ansteorra at haraldr.drakkar.org> wrote:
> Forgive my ignorance, but would it be on the event steward or the ACCEPS
> deputy to be the one to inform you of an ACCEPS capable event or some other
> notification/discovery?
> As an example, Bjornsborg's Legacy of Lions and Rosenfeld's Three Kings are
> both active on ACCEPS, but neither is so listed on the calendar. I know that
> Bjornsborg's event steward is very detail oriented and would not have missed
> a communication to you, had she been aware of the need.
> I suspect that with a change in office somewhere that a routine
> communication between people was lost and as such a valuable piece of
> information is no longer present on the kingdom calendar.
> If it should be the event stewards who are to inform you of an ACCEPS
> status, I can not recall ever having received such instructions in the past
> when I was an event steward or mentoring others.
> Best would be to have an automated system whereby the calendar site and the
> ACCEPS system have the icon present only when the ACCEPS system is accepting
> registrations for the event.
> Thank you,
> Haraldr Bassi
> On 10/6/11 5:07 PM, Kingdom Calendar Requests wrote:
>>> My first observation about ACCEPS is that I haven't seen the ACCEPS icon
>>> showing up on events on
>>> the kingdom calendar in quite a while. I am guessing that it might be a
>>> small oversight when we
>>> got our new kingdom calendar deputy but really wish to see that icon
>>> return.
>> I assure you that every time I have been informed an event is taking
>> ACCEPS, I have duly marked the calendar.  (I recall it happening
>> once.)
>> Reis
>> --
>> HL Reis ap Tuder
>> Kingdom Calendar Deputy
>> calendar at ansteorra.org
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