[Ansteorra] Bardic PSA- RECALL NOTICE

Casey Weed seoseaweed at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 12:17:05 PDT 2011

Warning: A performance piece is being released on the 28th of this month
specifically targeting reenactors, arm chair historians, and Elizabethan
clothing enthusiasts that is toxic and represents a serious choking hazard
to all viewers with any sense of historical integrity or academic/artistic
interest in William Shakespeare.

Due to a huge monetary push by the Black Helicopter and Tin Foil Hat
Conspiracy Crowd, the release of the film, "Anonymous", will happen as
planned.  Apparently, the costumes will be enough to satisfy the higher
court requirements for integrity despite the fiction-as-fact representation
of the Care Bears vs. Transformers plot.

If you discover that you are watching "Anonymous", do not panic.  The
following RECALL notes should prevent you from becoming a laughing stock to
the historically literate:

   1. RECALL that the Earl of Oxford died in 1604 and that many of the plays
   were written *later* than 1604
   2. RECALL that the actual solid written evidence we have- court records,
   handwriting, broadsheets- say that the author of William Shakespeare's
   plays... was William Shakespeare, the glovemaker's son.
   3. RECALL that Ben Jonson- Shakespeare's competitor and friend- believed
   Will wrote everything in the First Folio and says as much in the

Ansteorra sits on the edge of a Braveheart level epidemic of misinformation.
 Do your part to protect us.

For more:

[A serious note- and truly the reason this subject gets me riled enough to
post a PSA to the Ansteorra list- is this: the entire argument that "He
couldn't have written it" is classist claptrap from inception.  Genius can
and does come from the common man- a German patent clerk who failed a
college entrance exam... the half deaf son of Canadian expatriates who was
kicked out of school... the bastard son of a poor Italian peasant girl.
 Einstein, Edison, Da Vinci.   If they can be great, any of us can be great-
never tolerate the lie that succeeding requires breeding.]

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