[Ansteorra] [Bryn-gwlad] Feasts running late

Alice Morrow Harris AliceMorrowHarris at austin.rr.com
Tue Oct 18 09:15:40 PDT 2011

Greetings From Alina:

I  can tell you that I was quite pissed that feast was delayed. Have your circles or your meetings, but when you infer with the timing of feast that's when I have an issue. Feast should have been served on time and feast for the Crown and circle individuals should have been set aside for them. Period or not , do not delay feeding your populace.

Hungry and my stomach is growling,

On Oct 18, 2011, at 7:08 AM, James Crouchet wrote:

> Actually, I find things like delaying the feast or tournament for TRM to be one of the things that gives a period flavor to our events.
> From a practical standpoint I also know that typically the Crown is dealing with a lot more that most people are aware and they really do try to keep delays to a minimum.
> Of course some people need to eat on a set schedule or have children who do but I would expect them to be responsible about these things and make the necessary provisions for themselves. Claire and I always do this anyway.
> We don't really make very many concessions to period behavior. It seems to me that if we give up the idea that the Crown is above us and that it is our duty and privilege to serve them, then we are really just having a costume party.

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