[Ansteorra] Royalty - Same Sex Consorts‏

Bree Flowers evethejust at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 06:48:26 PDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Rose <rose_welch at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Some things to remember:
> 1.    This is not about gay people.
> There are knights who have sons who are knights in the Knowne World. How awesome would it be if they reigned together?And what do you do with people who don't fit into a gender binary, like the 1 in 4k who is born noticeably transgendered? Go by their birth certificate or their persona? Or are we going to take the 'sports' route and erect a special board to start checking pants to decide? All of that would be really silly. This is about equality, gained by removing four words from Corpora. That's it. Just four words.

Agree with this 100%!!!! Seems to me that when you choose who to fight
for, it should be someone who brings out the best in you and inspires
you to greatness, and who you think will do the same for your kingdom.
Regardless of what kind of relationship you share privately (be it
lovers, a parent and child, blood brothers or brothers at arms, or
just some person and their friend who does really cool things and gosh
darnit, would make a great crown). In the last place I lived probably
only half of the couples in any given crown tournament were
romantically involved. Many of the top fighters carefully chose their
consorts purely for their attributes as potential leaders (they
considered how well they would work together, whether her personality
would match, complement and temper his, and her public speaking and
administrative skills) and fought for someone other than their wives
or girlfriends. Everyone was aware of the reality of these
relationships (and that they slept in separate tents and did not live
in the same house) and everyone was perfectly okay with it. And some
darned good royal couples and fantastic reigns came out of these

To me, this fight is just as much about gay rights (which I fully
support) as it is about widening the pool of consorts to give some
non-fighting, but truly inspiring men equal opportunity to sit the


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