[Ansteorra] Upcoming Calendar Changes

King of Ansteorra king at crown.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 7 13:56:41 PDT 2011

The phone and DSL are basically down ay my house so I am without good 
network access to fully check it out and am having to use my cellphone 
for access.

It looks as if the index.htm homepage has gotten corrupted somehow and 
truncated somehow and only the last bit of the page is there.  That page 
source hasn't change in a few years.

I'll see if I can connect long enough to re-upload that file but with my 
current connectivity issues I wont we able to check the entire site out 
until the connectivity issues here are resolved.


On 9/5/2011 12:55 PM, Kerry Pratt wrote:
> Yes.  It is down.  In the future, you may want to think about emailing the webminister (virtual scribe) who is in charge
> of the particular site when you have difficulties.  This is generally the best practice any time that you notice a
> problem with any official web page as participation on the Ansteorran list is not a requirement of any  Webminister
> office. All official web sites are required to have a contact for the webminister on them.  I have taken the liberty of
> forwarding your concerns on to the webminister for the marshalate, along with the KEM who also provides oversight for
> that page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ansteorra-bounces+kpratt=sw.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org
> [mailto:ansteorra-bounces+kpratt=sw.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Ld.blackmoon
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 12:38 PM
> To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Ansteorra] kingdom archery pages down ?
> greetings
> I just tried to access the kingdom missile pages, and get a plain white screen with one line of text in the upper left
> corner saying>>  for a non-frame version of this page<<   and nothing else . thought people might want to know  ; )
> Be Safe , Be Happy, Have Fun .
> Arthur
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