[Ansteorra] Upcoming Calendar Changes

King of Ansteorra king at crown.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 7 13:56:41 PDT 2011

Unto the great and noble populace of Ansteorra do I send greetings.

  We have set forth after many hours of contemplation, discussion, counsel,
and planning to address the daunting task of creating a better Kingdom
Calendar. Please understand that no change is without it’s dangers, that is
why I have volunteered to track in real time the effects of this change on
Our Kingdom with the help of several people. We have suggested that if we
cannot show a marked improvement by way of a decided attendance boost by the
end of the second year, that these rules are revisited and the necessary
changes be implemented immediately. Below is a list of the overall goals of
this set of Kingdom Law changes. The requirements of these changes are based
on a calendar year rotation, and therefore will become effective as of
January 1, 2012 for ease of implementation and the tracking of effects to
the Kingdom as a whole.


A.      To increase the overall cohesiveness of the calendar by eliminating
large gaps in the calendar between events.

B.      To increase overall attendance at individual events by eliminating
inter-group competition for the attention and attendance of a similar or in
some instances the same pool of eventees.

C.      To increase the overall health of the Kingdom by limiting or
eliminating the loss, dissolution, and/or suspension of Our smaller groups
through rigorous attempts to increase the likelihood of event profitability.

*Now for my explanation of how we accomplish these goals.*

1.       To eliminate large gaps in the calendar there will be a minimum of
45 weekends booked with calendar events and holidays (New years,
Thanksgiving, & Christmas) before groups will be allowed to schedule a
second event on any given weekend. This is by far the simplest solution, and
it also allows for the other goals to be met.

2.       To increase overall attendance at individual events several steps
have been taken.

a.        The above elimination of gaps will spread our events out more
evenly. This will mean less likelihood of competition from other groups on
any given weekend.

b.      All events occurring on the same weekend must be at a minimum
distance of 150 miles apart. Additionally, the Group of Record’s main cities
must also be 150 miles apart. Again, this will help ensure that no groups or
events are in competition for attendance.

c.       Spreading out events means that the TRM’s will have greater
flexibility to attend more and better events. Crown attendance has
historically increased the overall attendance of an event.

d.      Certain events like Crown Tournament and Baronial PED’s will be
protected from conflict. This means that these weekends will be limited to 1
event Kingdom wide. This will allow any person that would normally be torn
between any two of these events the luxury of attending both should they so
choose. It will not diminish their ability to attend either.

e.      Multi-Group events will still be encouraged with a few
administrative changes to make hosting them easier. These events may be the
Group of Record’s PED, and there will be a bid form that will be turned into
the Kingdom Seneschal.

3.       To increase the overall health of the Kingdom by limiting or
eliminating the loss, dissolution, and/or suspension of Our smaller groups
there have been changes made in how and when events are scheduled and to a
much lesser extent how profits are shared with the Kingdom.

a.       Remove the additional 20% of profit to the Kingdom if the Kingdom
funds an event. This will be closely monitored by the Seneschalate, and not
all requests or bids will be accepted. This should be a last resort and used
sparingly as it is truly meant to help those small groups at the brink. The
base profit share percentages are not being changed.

b.      Shires, Cantons, Colleges, and Strongholds may schedule events up to
24 months in advance. This will give the smaller groups the first pick of
“good” weather weekends. It also affords them the greatest amount of time to

c.       Baronies and Provinces may schedule events up to 18 months in
advance. *PED* dates are scheduled in perpetuity, but may only be changed
within the 18 month limit. This should ensure a broad range of days after
the PED’s are chosen but still allow the smaller groups to flourish.

d.      Multi-Group events may be scheduled up to 12 months in advance. This
limitation gives these events the best chance for success by reducing
officer turnover between the time of inception and execution.

Thank you to all the people who have helped with this. Your time, your
patience, and your advice have been invaluable. I look forward to seeing
what the next few years will bring for the entire Kingdom.


Lochlan and Gwen

Rex    et   Regina

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