[Ansteorra] fwd: [SCA Newcomers] Challenge Issued (West Kingdom)!!

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Thu Sep 22 19:20:58 PDT 2011

An interesting idea I first saw on a Trimaris list. Perhaps someone  
might be interested in hosting such a contest here in Ansteorra.


To: scanewcomers at yahoogroups.com
From: marlztone at yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 23:49:03 +0000
Subject: [SCA Newcomers] Challenge Issued (West Kingdom)!!

At the Westermark Shipwrecked Madness event, I issued a challenge  
before those in attendance at Court. It is critically important to our  
Kingdom, Principalities and local Branches to continually bring in new  
people. As the years pass by, those of us with energy and innovative  
ideas need to learn and gain wisdom from those who have the cherished  
obligation to pass along their wisdom. We have a great deal of wisdom  
in our corner of the Known World.  Although we have some newness,  
innovation and energetic dreamers, we can always use more and more.

I Challenge ALL Baronies, Provinces, Shires, Cantons, Ridings,  
Colleges, Strongholds, and Ports in the West Kingdom to bring in our  
future generations.  Bring in the elderly, bring in the youths, bring  
in everyone who has the potential to make our Kingdom and Society  

Every (local) group in the Kingdom of the West is encouraged to  
participate!! I will be presenting a prize to the Group that brings in  
the most (see below) to be presented to the Baron and Baroness or  
Seneschal and Chatelain (if not a Barony). There will also be a trophy  
of sorts to display the great work your group contributed to the  
Kingdom during the year. The "trophy" will be passed along to the  
winner of the next year's competition).

Here are the details:

This Competition begins and ends at Purgatorio Coronation. This year's  
competition begins at the previous Purg (2011) and ends at the next  
Purg (2012).

Bring in people and when they attend their 5th SCA event, send us  
their information (and your Branch Info) to be counted (see below).

Once we tally the numbers, we will announce and present the prize and  
trophy to the winning Branch. I encourage Royalty at all levels to add  
incentives to the deal, if they so wish.

Each person will count as 1 point. Paid Members of the SCA will count  
as an additional point. Those who, through their amazing acts of  
service and worth, are awarded an Award of Arms (or an award that  
conveys an Award of Arms) will count for an additional point. Any one  
person may count for a possibility of 3 Points total (one for  
attending their 5th event, another for also becoming a member of the  
SCA and another for becoming Armigerous.

To count at all, the new person must have attended their 5th event  
(even if they are already paid members and/or Armigerous).

If your Branch is sending us information for the first time, please  

Branch Name:

Branch Level (Barony, Province, Shire, College, etc):

Branch Location (Cynagua, Mists, Oertha, Marches):

Baron and Baroness (Mundane and SCA if Barony):

Baron and Baroness's Contract (Email and Phone if Barony):

Seneschal Name (Mundane and SCA):

Seneschal Contact: (Email and Phone)

Chatelain Name (Mundane and SCA):

Chatelain Contact: (Email and Phone)

Please include the following information for those who you are  
submitting.  Remember that they must have attended 5 or more SCA  
events since Purg 2011 and before Purg 2012 to be counted this year.

SCA Name (if they have one):

Mundane Name:

Branch Name:

Paid SCA Member (Yes / No):

Armiger (AOA)(Yes / No):

Please send this info to: rivenoakbaron @ yahoo . com / rivenoakbaron  
@ gmail . com (please send to both)(the Baron, me) AND elevendytwo @  
gmail . com (Our Chatelain Muirgen)

If you have any questions, please let me know,

Seamus, Baron of Rivenoak

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas          StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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