[Ansteorra] Invitation to a Pas

dafpig at aol.com dafpig at aol.com
Sat Apr 28 06:58:44 PDT 2012


The warm Ansteorra sun gently reminds its gentles that summer's fun is rapidly approaching.  With the beginning of this season, The kingdom celebrates with the Barony of the Steppes at the Glorious event of Steppes Warlord, May 25, 27 at the Canton Trade Day's Campground in Tyler Texas.  

The House of Whitacer would invite one and all to join the in our celebration of the coming summer at this event.  We would host a Pas of Arms for all to participate and enjoy on Sunday morning, after their majesties court.  Revel in the glory of Combat, the beauty of the Ladies Pavilion, please bring your chairs and enjoy the shade and generosity of foods under our pavilions!

You need not be a knight, centurion, or squire to participate.  All who strive for honorable combat are invite and encourage to join.  Wear your best fighting garb, clean your armor, paint your shields, tape your weapons and be part of the Color and  Pageantry!

The fighting will be single challenge combat, fighting over the barrier and small man melee's.  There will be a crest display for all, (note the crest will not be fought in), So bring your best crest and impress the ladies!   Wondrous prizes will be awarded to fighters who bring honor upon themselves and families, through acts of honor, chivalry and prowess. 

 Winning is not the goal, Honor is!!

House of Whitacer
Earl Daffydd Whitacer 
Countess Octavia de Verdon

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