[Ansteorra] Fwd: Event Calendar

Kingdom Calendar Requests calendar at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Mon Dec 31 12:58:14 PST 2012

On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Tina Michael <tinabetta at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was thinking the same thing, we are doing this for a bit of fun.
> Otherwise we would have been drawn to Civil War reenacting ( they are total
> authenticity notzies)

I am going to apologize for hijacking this thread, but I'd like to point
out the term "authenticity Nazi" is hateful, hurtful and in general,
something I think would be best stamped out of society as a whole.  Unless
you know an ACW reenactor that has put large groups of people in prison
camps, or killed them because the weight of the wool used for a uniform was
wrong, they are not Nazis, and no one deserves to be called such a horrible
thing. (Unless they really *are* Nazis.  Then, slap that label on them all
you like.)

For an excellent perspective on this, I refer to you to
http://attack-laurel.livejournal.com/65495.html, a wonderful hysterically
funny peer who puts it into words better than I can.

I have *no* doubt the phrase wasn't intended to hurt anyone, but I truly
loathe that we've gotten so casual about using the phrase "x-Nazi."  Using
"x-Nazi" trivializes what the Nazis did, and probably puts an unfair
assumption on the person being call an "x-Nazi."  There are so many great
words in the English language that convey the feeling: tyrant, absolutist,
despot, bully.

I'll take my soapbox and go away now, and I wish you all a very happy
holiday season.

In service to country and crown I remain,
Helene Dalassene
"Whatever their fond sentiments for men and women in uniform, for most
Americans the war remains an abstraction – a distant and unpleasant series
of news items that do not affect them personally."- Robert Gates, Secretary
of Defense.

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