[Ansteorra] wInterKingdom-Looking for class interest (from those that will be attending)

kajira camber kajiracamber at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 14:00:18 PST 2012

I usually like to teach at this event, but wanting to see if/what class is
actually wanted.  (So please send responses to my personal e-mail kajiracamber
(at) gmail (dot) com <kajiracamber at gmail.com> if there is a specific
preference...and please only respond if you are actually planning on going
to the event :-) )

     something specific (like moves to drop to floor and what to do when
you get there)

     beginner (what you need/laying flat paint/selecting colors/charter
specifics/etc) or
     intermediate/advanced (highlights/shadows/dropped

Of course, life happens and I may not be able to attend at all...but if I
do, would prefer it to be something that someone would actually want to
attend :-)

(Also, if you were planning on teaching one of these, please let me know
and either I will take it off my table or we can work together to make sure
that we are touching on different stuff to make the two classes vastly
different for the students)


Kajira Camber
Baroness and Webminister of Wiesenfeuer

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