[Ansteorra] Lawsuit, Children, Liability

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 18:12:47 PST 2012

At 06:47 PM 2/7/2012, Cionaodh O'Hosey wrote:

>On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:35 PM, Rose wrote:
>>Working to punish children in the future for an issue that was
>>corrected in the past is even more stupid.
>It is not punishing children to say we as the SCA don't have a
>culture that is capable of protecting them and so for their safety
>they should not be allowed to participate.

We don't? If the SCA doesn't have a culture that is capable of 
protecting children, then why aren't there hundreds of lawsuits like 
this one? Why did our three children--and all the others I know in 
this area--grow up in the SCA *without* being abused or molested?

Is it perfect? Obviously not, or we wouldn't have had this lawsuit, 
but I think you're painting the situation with *far* too broad a 
brush--like saying that because one fighter doesn't call his blows, 
the SCA is nothing but rhinohides.

         -Tivar Moondragon 

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