[Ansteorra] Funny series of cartoons

Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Thu Feb 23 08:37:17 PST 2012

On Thu, 23 Feb 2012, Stephanie Drake <steldr at cox.net> wrote:
> Least I Could Do is very funny, but not really safe for work,

I'd phrase it as "Least I Could Do is REALLY not safe for work
sometimes".  Though he's cut down a lot on the sex scenes lately.

The current storyline starts at
http://leasticoulddo.com/comic/20120221 , and it has been entirely
safe for work so far.

The background: before Valentine's Day, the cartoonists have a contest
that readers can enter.  The winner gets to be drawn in a storyline
for a week or so going on a date with a character of their choice.

Danyll de Linccolne
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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