[Ansteorra] New Rapier blade rules

Hal Siegel therion at therionarms.com
Wed Feb 15 19:51:18 PST 2012

if I'm reading this correctly, the acceptable blades list just became a 
lot more inclusive!

                Hal Siegel - TherionArms



Updates - Feb 2012:
Weapons and Parrying Devices
Section 2. Blades

A. In order to be acceptable for use in rapier combat, it must meet 
certain criteria. If a blade does not meet the criteria established below, 
it may not be used for any form of rapier combat in the Society, unless it 
is first approved by the Deputy Society Marshal for Rapier Combat and will 
be considered on a case-by-case basis. If a blade meets the criteria 
below, it is considered acceptable for use by default unless specifically 
banned. A list of approved exceptions and banned blades may be found at: 
     i. For light rapier: Foil, epee, double-wide epee, and musketeer 
blades from established commercial manufacturers are acceptable for use.
     ii. For heavy rapier, and cut and thrust rapier:

         a. Blades must be made of steel
         b. Blades must be no longer than 48" as measured from the tip to 
the top of the tang (i.e. where the tang and forte meet)
         c. Blades must be reasonably flexible. Heavy rapier blades must 
flex at least 1 inch (25 mm) when tested per the procedures in the 
Appendix, section 1.B. Dagger blades (those under 18 inches), and cut and 
thrust blades must flex at least 1/2 inch (12.5 mm). Any blade 18 inches 
or longer, being used in melee combat, must flex at least 1 inch (25 mm).
     Part B. Continues as before
         Based on test data, this will effect very few of the blades 
currently in use, but allow additional blades to be used.

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